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Wednesday, 28 July 2010

The writing's on the wall...

I'm going on a train today, which means, I shall see this. If you go up to London regularly, you'll probably see it a lot, and probably not care.

But this, old advertisement for Ale, has a special place in my heart. Back in March, I had to go to London for an operation, and I was really rather frightened. After praying with a friend on the phone, I still felt a bit scared, so carried on praying some more, mainly for God to assure me He was with me. Then, I saw this building for the first time in my life, with a simple message: "Take Courage".

I know that God didn't sneak out in the night, and paint it up there for me... But He used it to reassure, and comfort me, when I really needed it, and to continue to remind me of his faithfulness, love and mercy which never fail, every time I have seen it since.

It's only a little thing, but it's incredibly precious to me. Look for God in the little things.

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