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Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Jesus, You're my super-hero.

Hello blogosphere! I'm sorry, I'm aware it has been quite a while! I'd love to reel of some excuses about being too busy doing lots of worthwhile stuff, but I'm afraid I just couldn't really be bothered/wasn't feeling particularly inspired. Woops.

Anyway, I'm back now, so thought I'd share what God's been teaching me recently.

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." (Matthew 19v14)

Anyone who knows me, will know that I love children. They inspire me. There's an innocence, naivety, and joy in a child's eyes, that seems to mostly be all but disappeared by the time we reach our pre-teens. And that's sad.

Over the past two years, I've grown up a lot. I got a job, applied for university, signed a contract on a house(!), and now I have to contemplate exams, bills, saving money, how we're going to delegate chores, and am facing the reality of moving out of the home I've lived in for 18 years with my family, to go up North and try and survive on my own(ish). I've realised why I love kids so much. Grown-ups are boring.

And that's why Jesus loves children too. They aren't cynical, they don't have worry and stress, they haven't learnt that some things are supposed to be "impossible". They believe in miracles, they believe in goodness, and they love unconditionally. If you offer a child a present, for no reason, they will be delighted, and run off in glee. If you offer an adult a present, for no reason, they will either turn it down, or grow suspicious of what the catch may be.

"I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." (Mark 10v15)

God loves the simplistic faith of children. Personally, I love hearing kids pray. I pray with my ten year old sister a lot, and she's so much better at it than me. She's not afraid to ask for the "impossible"; she's ambitious in her prayers, and she's never shy with God. She doesn't tip-toe round things to try and be polite like we do. What's the point? God knows our hearts, we may as well just be real with Him, and pray that He'll change the parts of our hearts that don't fit what we are called to be. I read an interview with Jim Wallis the other day, and he described a prayer his 10 year old son prayed: "I pray for all the children who are going to die tomorrow. I pray they won't die."

That's what God loves: audacious prayer; bold faith; daring to actually believe that when Jesus said that we'd do "greater things than these" he flipping well meant it. I read something really challenging the other day: "How much do you want of God?... Because nobody has less of God than they want" Ouch.

Jesus, give me the naive heart of a ten year old. Help me to lose the cynicism the world has imparted to me so I'll have the courage to pray for the impossible. And help me to worship you just the same no matter your response. I want to be starving hungry for Jesus. But I'm just too darn full up on the comfort of this world. God, remind me, when I start feeling all grown up and responsible, that I'm Your little girl. All I want to do is be pulled closer into my daddy's arms.

"God wants to see, more love and playfulness in your eyes, for that is your greatest witness to Him."


  1. very heart-felt and true ;) keep posting!

  2. wow :)
    I am genuinely speechless :) which im sure you are aware doesn't happen very often. This is soooo true about God, and has also actually inspired me to possibly start writing my own blogs about what God reveals to me of Himself :) your quote, "How much do you want of God?... Because nobody has less of God than they want," very challenging...you are such a mature young girl :) and may God bless you and continue to grow your child like faith and provide you with the faith to pray the "big" prayers, even though in reality no prayers are big for God
